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Practice Well

Updated: May 20, 2018

May 2018

"Developing a self care practice that serves you--your body, your breath, your nervous system, your daily life--can be challenging. Ultimately, your self care practice will be of your own choosing and designed to fit into the time and space that your daily life allows."

“Practice and all is coming” is one of the most famous quotes about yoga or practice and was spoken by Sri K. Pattabhi Jois.

There are so many teachers and writers who have addressed the topic of Practice with greater beauty and insight than I ever could. So I’ll tell you about my practices:

I have an varied but regular yoga practice. Some days, it involves foam rolling for 5 minutes and lying on my back for 10 breaths with my eyes closed. (Yes, I call this 8 minute practice yoga). Other days, I’ll attend a class with another teacher or practice for an hour on my mat at home.

For the last 17 years, I’ve had a massage practice, which is my vocation, and for most of those 17 years I’ve had a self care practice--full of many short practices--which is my salvation.

My dedication to self care has led me to begin a new practice in May of 2018 with my sister and colleague Laura Terry, Physical Therapist and yoga instructor.

Developing a self care practice that serves you--your body, your breath, your nervous system, your daily life--can be challenging. Ultimately, your self care practice will be of your own choosing and designed to fit into the time and space that your daily life allows. Understanding the roles that your anatomy and physiology play in a well-crafted self care or yoga practice allows you to reconnect with your body in wise, safe, and challenging ways, developing physical and emotional ease, balance among the rhythms and systems in your body, and an improved sense of connection among your family, friends, and community.

Our new umbrella site,, combines our collective experience and expertise to help you--our students, clients, and patients--create and get the most out of your self care practice. Our self care workshops, yoga classes, physical therapy practice, self massage techniques are here in one place to bring your body, breath and self into balance. Practice-Well can provide you with the tools and information you need to make your movement practice your own.

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